Phase One IQ3 100MP Achromatic

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A few cameras are swarm pleasers, others fill a specialty. The Phase One IQ3 100MP Achromatic ($54,990 with XF body and focal point) is past specialty. The computerized medium configuration rucksacks a full-measure 645 picture sensor with an amazing 100MP determination, and those 100MP photographs are high contrast. The sensor excludes both shading and infrared channels, which supports viable determination and, when combined with the correct focal point channel, gives you a chance to catch light that is outside the noticeable range. It's an effective imaginative instrument, and the ideal fit for a couple. Our Editors' Choice medium arrangement camera in this value extend is likewise from Phase One, the IQ3 100MP, which catches pictures in color. 

Phase One IQ3 100MP Achromatic


Stage One offers modular medium format systems. That implies the computerized back, for this situation the IQ3 100MP Achromatic, can be utilized with other camera systems, including vast organization cameras. The back is valued at $49,990 all alone. 

I tried the Achromatic with the XF body and the 80mm LS f/2.8 focal point. This is the second time I've shot with the XF system. For a profound plunge on how the camera performs, go to my XF 100MP survey. Aside from the high contrast yield, shooting the XF with the Achromatic back appended is precisely the same as shooting with the shading IQ3 100MP back. 

On the off chance that you require a refresher, the XF is a major SLR with a particular viewfinder, it ships with an eye-level crystal, however you can swap it for an abdomen level discoverer. It bolsters self-adjust, has a central plane shade, and games three control dials to change presentation settings. The body itself has a best touch-delicate show to design settings, which works in conjunction with the back's touch LCD. It incorporates some ground breaking highlights, similar to a seismograph to trigger exposures when camera shake has been disposed of, and mechanized concentration stacking for large scale photography. 

Phase One IQ3 100MP Achromatic

The Benefits of Monochrome 

In spite of relatively every camera available catching photographs in shading, sensors are characteristically monochrome. Keeping in mind the end goal to catch photographs in shading, a channel cluster must be incorporated into the plan. The most well known outline is the Bayer exhibit, in spite of the fact that Fujifilm utilizes a more mind boggling X-Trans plan in a considerable lot of its cameras. 

The Bayer cluster channels red, green, and blue light on a pixel level. A large portion of the pixels are touchy to green light, and a quarter each record blue and red data. Since you're not getting information at each pixel site, the camera's picture processor needs to play out some introduction with a specific end goal to fill in the spaces. 

Wipe out the Bayer channel and that mystery is no more. The Achromatic records luminance data for every one of its 101,082,464 pixels. You may not see the enhanced determination in each photograph, insertion can complete an extraordinary activity for some subjects however it's particularly discernible when shooting pictures with eminent surface. Investigate the shot of the matured animal dwellingplace entryway above, and the pixel-level harvest beneath. The camera gets more modest points of interest in the wood than you'd get with a highly contrasting picture changed over from a shading camera. 

Phase One IQ3 100MP Achromatic

Detail isn't the main motivation to pick a monochrome sensor for highly contrasting work. Similarly as I encountered with the 35mm full-outline Leica M Monochrom (Typ 246), a high contrast sensor acts much like highly contrasting film with regards to tone. Changes between lights, midtones, and shadows are unobtrusive, and you can utilize the packaged Capture One programming to alter pictures to taste. In the event that you lean toward a low difference look, you can have it, and on the off chance that you need punchy, high differentiation shots, they're a couple of slider changes away. 

What's more, there's the dynamic range. The back just catches in a 16-bit Raw arrangement, which Phase One guarantees conveys 15 stops of dynamic range. I thought that it was anything but difficult to haul detail out of the two shadows and features, catching illuminated scenes with the brilliant sun in the casing and profound shadows without losing information at either end of the histogram. The next to each other correlation above demonstrates a picture as uncovered in camera and in the wake of handling the picture in Capture One to haul out points of interest in the shadows and reign in the features. 

Past the Visible Spectrum 

The Achromatic is touchy to light on the infrared range, light that is not unmistakable to the human eye. Ordinarily you'll need to hinder the IR light, which requires a channel over the focal point. Stage One gives a 486 UV IR Cut channel, fabricated by Schneider and sold under its B+W image. The channel looks clear when seen head on, yet you can see its real fuchsia nature when seeing it from a point. 

Photographers who recall the Leica M8 will know 486 channels great. Leica's first computerized rangefinder, a shading camera, had a frail IR channel over the sensor, which caused shading shifts, particularly while capturing engineered dark textures. Leica gave 486 channels the buy of the camera to square IR light. The channel fills a similar need here, in spite of the fact that the Achromatic's affectability to IR is a deliberate outline decision. 

Phase One IQ3 100MP Achromatic

Evacuate the 486 channel and the Achromatic turns into a wide range camera. It gets light that human eyes can't see. On the off chance that you take a gander at the center shot above you'll see that the dim foliage of the obvious range and the white foliage of infrared live respectively in one shot. You should physically center and set introduction utilizing the Live View show when shooting along these lines, the XF's self-adjust system and in-camera meter are tuned for unmistakable light. 

You can likewise record pictures in infrared just (the far right bit of our examination shot). You'll have to put a channel over the focal point to piece noticeable light from entering. I utilized a B+W 092 channel for infrared imaging. With the channel connected the viewfinder looks relatively dark, aside from while pointing the camera at a greatly brilliant light source (an evening sky, for instance), where it goes up against a dim red look.

Read other : Fujifilm X-H1

Similarly as with wide range shooting, you'll need to utilize the back LCD to frame and focus when making infrared pictures. The XF system fits tripod use in the first place, however it's about fundamental for shooting IR. Gratefully the's back LCD is sharp, and you can amplify any segment of the casing up to 400 percent with a specific end goal to nail center. Despite everything you'll have to set the introduction physically, utilizing a more extended screen speed or higher ISO than you'd use for a noticeable light presentation. 

Phase One IQ3 100MP Achromatic

One component that comes in extremely helpful for IR work, or any kind of Live View use besides, is an electronic shade alternative. At the point when joined with shooting utilizing the back LCD it dispenses with vibration from picture catch. Sensor readout speed is a worry, so you'll just need to utilize it for static subjects, and it can't synchronize with a glimmer, yet for regular light scenes, it's a decent choice. 

Picture Quality 

The Achromatic has a higher base ISO than shading backs. Its range begins at ISO 200 and goes the distance to ISO 51200. Contrast this and the IQ3 100MP, which ranges from ISO 50 through 12800, or the IQ3 Trichromatic, which has a more grounded than normal Bayer shading channel and begins at ISO 32. 

Phase One IQ3 100MP Achromatic

The higher base ISO gives the Achromatic an edge over shading models when shooting in low light. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you need to fuse long exposures into your scene photography to smooth running water or shady skies, you'll have to go after an unbiased thickness channel to cut approaching light. 

The measure of commotion in the Achromatic's pictures relies upon your handling decisions. As a matter of course Capture One applies clamor diminishment to Raw pictures, and in the event that you leave default settings on the back holds commotion under 1.5 percent through ISO 3200. With clamor diminishment incapacitated totally there's more unmistakable grain, and the records demonstrate 1.1 percent commotion at ISO 400 and 1.7 percent at ISO 800. 

Phase One IQ3 100MP Achromatic

I've included pixel-level products of the yield, without clamor decrease, in the slideshow that accompanies this audit. In spite of demonstrating a considerable measure of grain at high ISOs, detail holds up well through ISO 12800. Pictures seem rougher at ISO 25600, which takes away from fine detail, and make a more discernible stride back at ISO 51200. In any case, that is an extraordinary setting for medium organization photography, and when you consider the measure of determination you're getting the opportunity in any case, picture quality at the best affectability ought to be viewed as solid. 


The IQ3 Achromatic is a to a great degree intense photographic device. It offers amazing determination and dynamic range, superlative high contrast yield, and infrared imaging capacities. On the off chance that monochrome imaging is your specialty, and you have the financial plan, there's nothing else that matches it. 

Phase One IQ3 100MP Achromatic

Saying this doesn't imply that it's ideal for each application. Medium arrangement photography fits a trained approach. It's superb on the off chance that you adore working from a tripod or deliberately creating exposures in studio. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you like to shoot in a narrative style, meandering through urban boulevards to catch sincere minutes and scenes from life, the 35mm full-outline Leica M Monochrom is a superior fit for devoted high contrast work. Also, don't check out high-determination shading cameras, similar to the Sony a7R III and Nikon D850 if a rangefinder isn't your style. Their sensors are among the best out there and handle high contrast changes great. 

We keep on recommending to Phase One IQ3 100MP as our Editors' Choice for top of the line medium configuration imaging. It's not as specific as the Achromatic, but rather gives you the choice of shooting in shading and changing over select pictures to highly contrasting as required. 

There are likewise choices out there for picture takers who crave medium configuration systems, however don't have the financial plan for a Phase One system. Our best pick among a little examining of minimal effort models, ease being an extremely relative term is the Fujifilm GFX 50S. Its sensor isn't as extensive as 645 film and it "just" conveys 50MP determination, yet it's more available and handles more like a customary 35mm SLR.

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